Friday, April 10, 2009

Company of Swans Rewind

Dance like no one is watching, love like you'll never be hurt. Sing like no one is listening. Live life like its heaven on earth......Courage is fear that has said its prayers.

--William Purkey/--Karl Barth

Eva Ibbotson's A Company of Swans captivated me with its dangerous adventures and heart-stopping romance. This New York Times Best-Selling author teaches us all a valid lesson; follow your dreams and love with no thought of failure.

A Company of Swans is placed in 1912 Cambridge, England. A world full of beautiful churches, sprawling park gardens, and prestigious colleges; life in 1912 is never as perfect as it looks on the surface. Harriet Morton is following in her fathers academic footsteps on the outside...but is a true ballerina at heart. With her very soul Harriet lives her love of dance in Madame Lavarre's famed dance school a few hours a week. When offered the position as the "eighteenth swan" in a Russian ballet company on its way to its Amazon tour...Harriet finally sees a way out of her dry, dull life full of lies. When her father and aunt deny her her dream, Harriet takes matters into her own hands. Through deceit and a false identity, she runs away with the ballet company to the wild, lush jungle of the Amazon. Little does Harriet know that as she dances away into her life dream...she is being tracked down...
Ibbotson's hypnotic, poetic language leaps like a raging river from the page straight into your imagination. Ibbotson's novels are the kind that you read from cover to cover...Putting one of her books down mid-way is an impossible action. As the story unfolds in the fast flowing manner in which Eva writes, sudden twists and turns leap into the plot.

Ibbotson was born in Vienna, but fled with her family to England when the Nazis came to power. With her priceless experience, Eva can place her novels into a time and place that she has been and understands. She makes the character's world real and to see behind closed eyelids.
For all those who are addicted to forbidden romances and whirlwind adventures; a Company of
Swans is the perfect antidote.
pages: 384

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